We're committed to respecting internationally recognised human rights and the principles and guidance in the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights as a basis for dialogue and action and we also support the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Our Code of Conduct, and supply chain-related policies are informed by the International Bill of Human Rights (as enacted in national laws around the world), the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and the OECD's Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. We recognise that while states have a duty to protect human rights, companies have a responsibility to respect human rights. This means acting with due diligence to avoid infringing on the rights of others and addressing the adverse impacts of our global operations.

These documents seek to uphold the principles of good governance and social and environmental sustainability and convey such corporate ethical culture to all our stakeholders, promoting respect for fundamental Human and Labour Rights across our supply chain partners.

Supply Chain Policies

When a supplier is onboarded to our supply chain they must sign a supplier agreement, where they commit to upholding all BESTSELLER policies. All policies, including the Code of Conduct, have been designed to incorporate best practices outlined by the UN Guiding Principles (UNGP) on Business and Human Rights, the International Labour Organization, (ILO) and the The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The policies address specific human rights risks inherent in BESTSELLERs supply chain.

Find and download all policies below.

BESTSELLER’s Code of Conduct describes the ethics and behaviour that BESTSELLER promotes throughout the supply chain, and is directed at any supplier and their subcontractors and/or factories, who manufacture products for BESTSELLER A/S.

Migrant workers face heightened risk of discrimination in the global apparel supply chain. This policy, developed in consultation with the UN’s International Organization for Migration (IOM), articulates BESTSELLER's requirements and expectations on our suppliers in relation to this group.

This policy articulates that the use of child labour is not acceptable, and we will not work with suppliers that use child labour in their facilities, or who do not have efficient systems in place to ensure that child labour cannot occur on the production premises.

This policy articulates BESTSELLER's belief that homeworkers are workers, who work from their home or other premises outside of the workplace.

Many households benefit from homeworking and this policy states that suppliers must declare the use of any small workshop subcontractors, temporary workers or homeworkers to BESTSELLER and these groups must be employed according to legal requirements.

Our suppliers must disclose all factories and subcontractors they will use for the manufacturing of BESTSELLER products. If a factory or subcontractor has not been approved and authorised, BESTSELLER has no certainty that conditions at the workplace comply with BESTSELLER’s Code of Conduct, therefore, production at unauthorised factories and subcontractors is a critical violation of BESTSELLER policy and prohibited.

This document describes BESTSELLERs approach in sourcing regions with particular risk of human rights infringements or environmental risks. While some regions are banned from BESTSELLER production, others are subjected 
to a particular Human Rights Due Diligence focus

BESTSELLER is committed to respect and promote all human rights across its value chains. BESTSELLER commits to respect all human rights as defined in the International Bill of Human Rights and ILO’s core conventions. We commit to the United Nation’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, as defining frameworks for our efforts to both respect and promote human rights.

BESTSELLER’s Restricted Substances List (RSL) describes the limitation and prohibition of substances in products manufactured for BESTSELLER. The RSL has been developed based on the law, a concern for the health of our customers, the working conditions inside the factories producing our goods, and the preservation of the environment – both in production countries, and where our products are sold.

This manual describes the limitation and prohibition of substances in all packaging parts delivered to BESTSELLER and the corresponding testing protocols to ensure compliance.

This manual outlines standards and expectations on chemical and environmental management in the supply chain and is directed at all factories that supply BESTSELLER orders. These expectations are the basis for the environmental rating applied to each supplier

This policy recognises that workers are subject to increased human rights risk when factories are offboarded from our supply chain. To mitigate these risks, BETSELLER’s Responsible Offboarding Policy articulates clear expectations and according responsibilities to safeguard workers from negative impacts when the business relationship concludes

Gender identity-based violence is any form of violence directed against an individual or group of individuals based on their sex, gender identity, or expression. Recognising the heightened risk of acts of violence such as harassment and abuse in various forms in the global apparel supply chain, BESTSELLER's policy aims to address these risks. 

Forced labour is a serious violation of human rights and is unacceptable in any form. This policy, developed in consultation with worker representatives, articulates BESTSELLER’s commitment to address the risks of forced labour in our supply chain.

At BESTSELLER, we recognise the fundamental Human Right to a safe and healthy working environment, which includes comfortable temperature in the workplace. Due to climate change, consistently high temperatures are be-coming a greater concern in some regions, and the ability to keep the workplace at comfortable temperature has become more difficult.

We are responsible for managing and mitigating risks in our supply chain. We develop and enforce standards of conduct to ensure our suppliers and their factories operate in accordance with safety and international welfare standards.

We manage and maintain the Factory Standards Programme, our primary tool for holding suppliers and factories accountable to our social and labour and environmental and chemical requirements.

Learn more about our general supply chain management - how we identify and monitor human rights risk, environmental risks, our social impact initiatives and much more.

BESTSELLER works with numerous stakeholders to manage and collaborate together on managing our human rights, environmental and chemical risks in this part of BESTSELLER's supply chain.

To be transparent about our supply chain, BESTSELLER publishes its public factory list once every two months. This list includes a full account of our Tier 1 business partners, related Tier 0 partners, as well as our preferred materials suppliers (Tier 2).

The construction of Logistics Centre West (LCW), our upcoming 155,000 m2 logistics facility in the Netherlands, has officially begun. It's set to be the single biggest BESTSELLER investment.
With the launch of its first Supply Chain Due Diligence Report, BESTSELLER aims to provide even greater transparency into its sourcing practices and the management of human rights, environmental, and product safety risks.
Since 2023, BESTSELLER brand ONLY has more than doubled the volume of organic cotton sourced from African farmers. In the following years, BESTSELLER will increase its investment in preferred materials, which are necessary for the transformation of the fashion industry.
In a remarkable collaboration, several international fashion companies are collectively investing to accelerate the necessary transformation of the fashion industry's production processes. The initiative aims to achieve a significant overall reduction in CO2 emissions in the fashion industry.
The International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry in Pakistan and Bangladesh has been renewed for six more years – the longest term yet.
A record investment in automation will take fashion logistics to the next level.
The largest sustainability investment in BESTSELLER's history will limit the emission of greenhouse gases in the fashion industry's value chain.
The first roof top solar system installed by BESTSELLER’s partner SOLshare, has begun powering a factory of a textile supplier in Bangladesh. The installation- part of a larger and wider initiative- will convert up to 20 percent of the factory’s energy consumption to clean, renewable power, marking an important milestone for BESTSELLER’s efforts in reducing the environmental impact of its supply chain.
Our Supply chain